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About Teodor Vasile

   Excerpt from „An Interview with a Master” , pp. 24 - 26 in the Romanian Feng Shui World magazine of JUNE/ JULY 2005

1. What was it that led you to Feng Shui? Was it one of life’s stories, a twist of fate, or maybe curiosity?
To me, Feng Shui is a way to approach life. If we think of the dual energies, we find this approach to be quite similar to Martial Arts philosophy. So when I had my first contact with this age-old art, it felt like all of it was already there, ingrained somewhere in the depths of my existence; it was just waiting for the right time to blossom. I couldn’t say it was some particular twist of fate that led me to pursue this path also. I think it rather came as a complement, as a stepping stone on my life path.

When was the first time you came across Feng Shui? How did it happen?
2. I’d say my discovery of Feng Shui happened around the year 1994, while I was still a researcher with the Ecological Technology Research Centre. During that time I had finished a course with the University of Minnesota, and I was looking for some viable proposals regarding the urban ecosystem and ecological reconstruction of an urban site in Bucharest. The project was approved, and I was there with the team working on the project. We had a host of prestigious researchers from many fields come together, under the management of Prof. Marioara Godeanu PhD. And I think that project was a success; it was called “Urban Reconstruction Pilot Station”. I can certainly say this was my first encounter with Feng Shui art. Many of the solutions we proposed at the time were essentially rooted in the approach of this art. I had a lot to learn then from the team working on this project. I wouldn’t be far wrong to refer as masters to the professors or researchers who – through their knowledge and generosity – made me consider the elements of nature as something more than simple urban necessities. Some of these people that I might name are Mrs. Nina Muºat MD, Mrs. Elena Iliescu B.Arch., Chief Researcher Victor Izvoranu BSc in Biology, Chief Researcher Victor Girip BSc in Biology, and I could go on and on, as there are many others… .

How did you become a Feng Shui master? Who was your own master? How were you trained?

3. This is delicate question for me, as by answering it I might be wrongful to certain people. In my past I was honoured and very fortunate to meet several masters, and I don’t mean just Feng Shui masters, but also those true, veritable masters who gave me a certain something – that spark of light –, I mean the people who had faith in me. In 2002, I was appointed Master and registered as a member of the International Feng Shui Association. When I arrived in India I was welcomed as a Master. You know, they say no one is a prophet in their own country. I think I felt this quite painfully. I would however like to mention that both the titles and honours that I received internationally are firstly due to my masters’ dedication. Some of these masters are, Dan Seracu, Agarwaal, J.Bose, Soong W., and I could go on to name the people that, once I met them, influenced my destiny in one way or another, thus helping me to become what I am today.

It seems difficult to believe we have such young masters in Romania. And you are not the only one. Would it be far-fetched to speak of a Romanian school of Feng Shui?
4. As for my youth, I’ll take that as a compliment. Whether I am alone or not – I definitely am not. There are quite a number of Feng Shui practitioners in Romania. However, it only makes sense to speak of the ones I know. Two years ago I founded a Feng Shui school, and I might say that during this time I’ve had quite a few generations of practitioner students. In time, we became colleagues, and I think they have acquired the necessary experience. Many of them achieved notable results, such as Architect Mirela Petrescu, a wonderful human being and a remarkable specialist. Last year she received an Excellence Award from a prestigious publication. I would express the same deepest appreciation for Engineer Ludmila Prelipceanu and Mrs. Nicoleta Buzea, as they also received awards on several occasions for their outstanding results in this field. I would however like to point out that there are also other places in this country where Feng Shui art is practised. I happen to know about some of the notable practitioners that achieved magnificent results, such as Architect Dan Dimitriu and Engineer Adrian Florea, who is also a Qi-Gong Master. There are others who practise this art as well, although naturally, I cannot possibly know them all. Still, Feng Shui is barely beginning to take off in Romania.

In the USA, Feng Shui was adapted and simplified, in order to become marketable and easier to comprehend. Could this happen in Romania as well?
5. I think in the US it needed to become somewhat more commercial. I don’t think it necessary to simplify it for Romanians. I, for one, think that there should be a unitarian approach to the different schools of Feng Shui, and also that this art should be adapted to suit the needs and wants of the people living in this country. There is an ancestral art which led the Romanian farmer to create an ideal living environment which can be found in all rural homes. I don’t think a Romanian farmer or a common man of that age – with all their needs and burdens – had the time to learn about the golden ratio or the angles for the slanting of the roof. I think all of this was done because they listened to their gut feel and observed nature’s laws. I strongly believe that here, in this land, there is a local Feng Shui that illustrates and expresses the needs and aspirations of the Romanian people. The unitarian approach of these local customs – which relate to the typically Asian, traditional principles of Feng Shui art – can help us create several specific features that will bring harmony, peace, and prosperity to the people living in our geographical space.

What do you think is the current meaning of Feng Shui for Romanians?
6. I would honestly prefer to avoid saying what Feng Shui is to Romanians at the moment. Even after all these years, in my view we are only just beginning. There are many types of books available in bookstores. These come from different schools, different trends, and different approaches even. What can a layperson understand if they read a book providing Compass School solutions; then go on to read something about Form School; and finally skim through something about Feng Shui astrology and Flying Star? What will that person comprehend? The Romanian public is still looking, and I fear the same thing may happen in the near future that happened with alternative therapies.

Is Feng Shui needed in Romania right now? Why is it needed?
7. I might reply, “Do Romanians need to have good health, harmony, peace, and prosperity?” If they do, then they also need Feng Shui.

Some of our Romanian habits… Do you think they shaped our existence as a nation?
8. One mustn’t forget our existence is even shaped by the way we think, by what we say, by our attitude. All of these things create a future for each of us. This is even more so for the place where we are born, where we grow, eat, love – where we live, to be succinct. It’s only natural that these buildings – their shape, size, facing, and the materials they are built of – have an impact on both the quality of our lives and, why not, even our lifespan. As for our existence as a nation, please believe me when I say it would be conceited of me to issue a theory on the matter.

What is your opinion of the Romanian Feng Shui World magazine?
9. It is an avant-garde publication. I salute your courage to bring such a magazine on the Romanian market. It is a very good magazine, although – at the time – I think it places too much focus on the realities of a different geographical space. Maybe a novel image to it might be useful, or perhaps a little bit more interest in all areas of life as they are now in Romania – this will add to the success your magazine already enjoys.

What about Lillian Too?
10. She is a true Feng Shui Master who is popular and has a great work power. It is commendable how much energy she has, how much she gives, and especially what she accomplished. It is only natural for jealousy to arise; one must somehow pay for success. What I admire most about Lillian Too is that she created her own, totally and utterly special team. This proves that she is a strong person who's not afraid to give. Something else that is praiseworthy about her is that she tries to create a unitarian approach to all Feng Shui principles, regardless of their area of influence.

How did Feng Shui influence your life?
11. Well it’s obvious, isn’t it? Why is it you are asking me these questions?

Do you have a Feng Shui item or technique that you deem important, and that you would recommend to others?
12. Yes, there is. This technique is based on three things. These are the connection between all of our actions: faith, love, and courage. If your readers will abide by these three things, they may not become great Feng Shui masters, but certainly their very presence will bring peace, harmony, and prosperity all around them.

What school do you follow?
13. It’s difficult to say. I would tend to say I follow Vas-Tu – the Indian school –, or I might refer to one of my most cherished approaches in Feng Shui, which is Form School. But I could just as well – and why not? – say that I follow the local school from here, in this country, where I was born and shaped as a human being. I’d like to remind you that these elements and beliefs are to be found in the customs of every people; all we have to do is look for them. I believe we can thus find ourselves as a nation, trying to rekindle the traditions of our people.

What methods do you recommend to beginners?
14. I believe I have already mentioned them. I might add something, though. Anyone who wishes to approach Feng Shui art must try to be as open as possible and understand that they are dealing with the creeds and culture of civilizations far older than Christianity.

Your own personal definition of Feng Shui.

15. A way to create harmony, to bring peace and Love into people’s lives. It is so simple, and yet… . People don't realize they should strive to be healthy even though it’s easy to be complacent in their state of illness.

Give us a prediction for FS – will it fade like every other society fashion, or will it evolve and last?
16. I’d say the development of this art very much depends on what is being created right now. If the people who practise this art do so with all of their faith, knowledge, and pure motivation Feng Shui will definitely last. If their only incentive is that of material gains, I foresee the same dark future for Feng Shui as for Romanian complementary medicine.

Why is FS so “catchy”?
17. Quite simply, because it is effective and – if properly applied – it can bring an immediate change in all areas a human being strives for.

The seeming dispute between…
18. Is unjustified, as it lacks all foundation in reality. I am glad that I have many architects, doctors, lawyers, engineers, or psychologists among my friends who apply Feng Shui principles in their everyday lives. As for the false dispute, let us not forget a certain dictum about the Romanian people. Many times it is difficult for people to admit they just don’t know something – it is far easier to say this or that person is wrong or isn’t skilled. I, however, believe that time is the main factor that will show us what we really are. If we have the power to look back and we see that we’ve built something that can really help create a better fate for mankind, then perhaps the most important step was already taken.

19. To everyone reading these lines: May you have



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