The Wealth & Prosperity Sector
This sector encompasses the affluence of the home; it is the place where each of us makes their own “money-altar”.
I know what you’re thinking, “Wealth! I definitely want more money. My life would be perfect if I had the amount of this many euros, dollars, or other currency.” But wealth is more than just assets. Don’t get me wrong, assets are also important in creating stability in our lives. However, wealth also symbolizes the richness of spirit, and friendship, and relationships. It is about giving and taking in equal measure.
• Do you have enough money to make ends meet? (Please note that there’s a difference between “making ends meet” and “being safe”.)
• Are you generous with what you have – whether money, abilities, time, or love?
• Do you give as much as you take?
• Do you judge people by the size of their wallet or by their good deeds?
• Are you willing to share your possessions with others? Think seriously!
You can attract all of the abundance the earth has to offer with your willpower. But willpower works in several aspects of your life. To get a better job, you need willpower; to stay strong in a relationship that’s going through difficult times, you need willpower. At the same time, everything goes round like in a circle.
Here are some suggestions for this sector.
- Use a reddish-orange colour theme.
- Place a three-legged toad over some banknotes in this sector.
- Place objects or images suggesting abundance or wealth: wheat or corn ears, etc.
- Place objects that imply wealth and prosperity through their appearance.