Graduates of:
- The Development Course of Interior Decorating (Interior Design with Feng Shui), a course that is patroned by the Municipal Agency for Labour Force Employment with the Ministry of Labour, Social Solidarity and Family, as well as the Ministry of Education and Research;
- The Advanced Course in the Secrets of Feng Shui & VasTu Arts and Magic (Module II), patroned by the Esoteric, Feng Shui and Complementary Therapy Study Association, in collaboration with Feng Shui World Magazine; and
- The Practical Introductory Course to the Basics and Fundaments of the Harmonizing Elements that are Specific to the Traditional Feng Shui and VasTu Schools (Module I), patroned by WICCA THEODORES & Feng Shui World Magazine.
Roxana Vasile, B.Psych., REIKI Master, Bucharest, 2004,
Mirela Petrescu, B.Arch., REIKI Master, Bucharest, 2004
Alexandra Prelipceanu, Architecture Student, REIKI Master, Bucharest, 2004
Nurse Carmen-Marcela Anastasiu, REIKI Master, Bucharest, 2005
Carmen Valentina Radu, REIKI Master, Bucharest, 2004
Prof. Ioana Tintorescu, REIKI Master, Bucharest, 2004
Nicoleta Buzea, REIKI Master, Bucharest, 2004
Dr. Elena Braboveanu MD, REIKI Master, Bucharest, 2004
Laura Morcov, B.A.Econ., REIKI Master, Bucharest, 2004
Nina Muºat, B.Eng., REIKI Master, Bucharest, 2004
Denisa Marilena Radu, B.A.Econ., 2004
Aurelia Rusen, B.Psych., REIKI Master, Bucharest, 2004
Cristina Dumitru, B.A.Econ., REIKI Master, Bucharest, 2004
Bogdan ªtefãnescu, B.Eng., REIKI Master, Bucharest, 2004
ªtefania Victoria Ruse, B.Arch., Bucharest, 2005
Anca Vuþã, B.Psych., Bucharest, 2005
Mirela Ursu, LL.B., REIKI Master, Bucharest, 2005
Alexandru Naum, B.Eng., REIKI Master, Bucharest, 2005
Irina-Camelia Rusu, B.Eng., REIKI Master, Bucharest, 2005
Doina-Gabriela Mareº, B.Eng., Sibiu, 2005
Florica Mihai, B.Sc.Chem., REIKI Master, Bucharest, 2005
Laura-Elena Paveliu, B.Eng., REIKI Master, Bucharest, 2005
Constanþa Ponomarenco, Constanþa, 2005
Cornel Sgârcea, B.A.Econ., Drobeta Turnu Severin, 2005
ªtefania Shilbaya, Therapist, Bucharest, 2005
Anica Slave, Manager, Bucharest, 2005
Florentina Stoina, B.A.Econ., REIKI Master, Bucharest, 2005
Mihaela Stoina, B.A.Econ., REIKI Master, Bucharest, 2005
Prof. Doina Þiþei, Cãlãraºi, 2005
Marilena Tudorache, B.A.Econ., Braºov, 2005
Ana Maria Abboud, B.A.Econ., Bucharest, 2005
Adriana Alexiu, B.Eng., Câmpina, 2005
Isabel-Anton Cristina, B.Eng., Bucharest, 2005
Gabriela - Iulia Capotã, a student with the Bucharest Conservatoire, Bucharest, 2005
Ana Maria Eugenia Andone, B.Arch., Bucharest, 2005
Florica Chira, Entrepreneur, Oradea, 2005
Gabriela Condruz, B.A.Econ., Brãila, 2005
Oana Roxana Culcea, B.Eng., Bucharest, 2005
Alexandru Relu Culcea, B.Eng., Bucharest, 2005
Adriana Dumitru, B.Psych., Bucharest, 2005
Ion Eftimie, Therapist, Brãila, 2005
Rodica Ferãscu, B.Arch. Bucharest, 2005
Gabriela Frãþilã, B.A.Econ., REIKI Master, Fieni, 2005
Dr. Cerasela Carmen Grigoraº MD, Bucharest, 2005
Alina Rodica Guþu, B.A.Econ., Braºov, 2005
Gabriel - Sabin Mateucã, B.Eng., REIKI Master, Bucharest, 2005
Prof. Adriana Bãncilã, Bucharest, 2005
Cristina Beratlief, LL.B., REIKI Master, Bucharest, 2005
Gabriela Cernuºcã, Bucharest, 2005
Anca Moraru, B.Eng., Bucharest, 2005
Cerasella Crãciun, B.Arch., Bucharest, 2005
Lãcrãmioara Morar, B.A.Econ., Timiºoara, 2005
Sorina Moisescu, B.A.Econ., REIKI Master, Bucharest, 2005
Dr. Andreea Tilina MD, REIKI Master, Ploieºti, 2005
Prof. Phil. Laura ªtefania Mara, Timiºoara, 2006
Georgeta Arsenia Stoian, B.Eng., Bucharest, 2006
Cristina Grãjdeanu, B.Eng., Roman, 2006
Oana Prioteasa, LL.B., Bucharest, 2006
Livia Cornelia Prioteasa, Piteºti, 2006
Carmen Constantinescu, B.A.Econ., Baloteºti, 2006
Raluca Cãlin, B.Eng., Bucharest, 2006
Graduates of the Practical Introductory Course to the Basics and Fundaments of the Harmonizing Elements that are Specific to the Traditional Feng Shui and VasTu Schools (Module I):
Nicoleta Luminiþa Sãvescu, B.A.Econ., Timiºoara, 2006
Catrinel Alexandra Ile, B.A.Econ., Cluj - Napoca, 2006
Emilia Orzescu, B.A.Econ., Iaºi, 2006
Stelian Lupu, Galaþi, 2006
Ana Maria Anicãi, Bucharest, 2006
Rodica Cãlin - Mircescu, Brãila, 2006
Ioan Sava, Oradea, 2006
Georgeta Arsenia Stoian, 2006
Adina Elena Mara, B.A.Econ., Timiºoara, 2006
Daniela Delea, Bucharest, 2006
Iulian Bosoi, Hîrºova, 2006
Prof. Rareº Stãnescu, Bucharest, 2006
Alexandru Tudorache, Braºov, 2006
Laura Hanganu, Bucharest, 2006
Dr. Denisa Marina Protopopescu MD, Bucharest 2006
Prof. Phil. Irina Ioana Neacºu, Buzãu, 2006
Cristina Teodoru, B.A.Econ., Bucharest, 2006
Alina Anca Balaciu, LL.B., Bucharest, 2006
Prof. Dana Adriana Bãrbat, Bucharest, 2006
Prof. Loredana Ana Panã, Ploieºti, 2005
Andreea Pârvu, B.A.Econ., Bucharest, 2005
Anca Victoria, B.Eng., Bucharest, 2005
Magdalena Ciucã, B.A.Econ., Bucharest, 2005
Sgîrcea Jeana, Drobeta Turnu Severin, 2005
Prof. Scorþeanu Narcis, Iaºi, 2005
Violeta Ciobanu, Capidava, 2005
Maria Georgeta Preda, Sibiu, 2005
Maria Mitoi, B.Eng., Câmpulung, 2005
Mircea Mitoi, B.Eng., Câmpulung, 2005
Bleotu Aurelia, B.Eng., Câmpulung, 2005
Cornelia Lucia Ursu, Suceava, 2005
Anca Lazãr, Bucharest, 2005
Bãdescu Daniela, B.A.Econ., Câmpulung, 2005
Prof. Badea Gheorghe PhD, Bucharest, 2005
Marcel Iordache, B.Psych., Timiºoara, 2005
Nicoleta Iordache, B.Psych., Timiºoara, 2005
Simona Amalia Grecu, Arad, 2005
Daniela Amza, Arad, 2005
Adrian Colin, Focºani, 2005
Dr. Alexandra Elena Butunoiu MD, Bucharest, 2005
Geanina Antal, LL.B., Bucharest, 2005
Prof. Philology. Rozalia Þurlea, Satu Mare, 2005
Vlad Lucian Morar, Timiºoara, 2005
Irina Magda Bãjenaru, Bucharest, 2005
Coca Reit, Braºov, 2005
Nelu Popescu, Feteºti, 2005
Ioana Gabriela Codiþã, Bucharest, 2005
Adrian Daniel Andrei, bus driver, Bucharest, 2005
Gheorghe Moraru, B.Eng., REIKI Master, Bucharest, 2005
Eliana Duican, Bucharest, 2005